R + Co Review: Dallas Shampoo and Conditioner

My R + Co review of Dallas Shampoo and Conditioner in a nutshell: It’s f-ing amazing. So few. So few products live up to expectations — or their own advertising. R+Co’s Dallas shampoo and conditioner is the exception that proves the rule. Here’s what R+Co promises: “This thickening shampoo adds vitality to fine, flat hair while nourishing and strengthening from root to tip.” Now: I happen to have fine, flat hair. I happen to have exceptionally fine and flat hair (also occasionally subject to breakage. It’s the best!) I bought this not-inexpensive set — officially titled “Dallas Biotin Thickening Shampoo and Conditioner” — as a lark, used it, and forgot about it. Until — after three or four washes — my hair was noticeably bigger. r and co review of dallas shampoo - image of bottle
BUY IT HERE: R+Co Dallas Shampoo and Conditioner
Now, I’ve had a problem with fine hair for forever, and more recently with breakage. I’d used Hairstory’s New Wash for the last year, because it’s one of the few products I’ve used that truly prevent tangles. (A good portion of my hair loss came from undoing knots.) I was nervous about going back to regular shampoo and conditioner, but my stylist said that in his opinion, co-washes like New Wash aren’t moisturizing enough, and my hair — in addition to being fine and fragile — is also extremely dry. Dallas was the first shampoo/conditioner set I tried. At first, all I noticed was that unlike other brands, I didn’t have a problem with tangles — so far, so good. And honestly — I forgot that Dallas promised bigger hair. I’ve used biotin supplements in the past (despite the fact that most studies have failed to show a compelling link between biotin supplements and hair growth, regrowth, or benefits.) And then the best possible thing happened: I noticed that my hair looked fuller. And I did that thing where I saw the result first, and had to figure out the cause. It was 100% the Dallas. A couple caveats: I used the shampoo and conditioner — I’ve since been using only the conditioner with a different shampoo, and the volume hasn’t kept up. Also, my stylist told me to change (again), as he still felt I should be using more moisturizing products. As a result of this, I switched Atlantis, which is R+Co’s moisturizing shampoo — but I haven’t seen the change I was looking for. Frankly, I think my dry hair is down to the fact that I don’t drink enough water, and that a product can’t help where my diet has failed. And while my hair never felt heavy with the Dallas products, in the past volumizing/thickening products have led to severe hair breakage — don’t get me started on Aveda’s Invati thickening shampoo, which committed a crime against my hair and has served no time. But I was nervous about staying with Dallas over time, in case the same sort of thing might happen. I’ll point out that this is basically me not believing a good thing — a great thing! — and last. I’ll add it to the list of things to talk over with my therapist. If it helps to have a second opinion, I went back to the Bluemercury where I bought mine, just to tell the sales rep how much I loved it — and she said that she gets more good reviews about Dallas than anything else from the R+Co line. In short, my R + Co review for the Dallas line is that at least for someone with my hair profile, they worked miracles. Truth in advertising! Who could have imagined?  

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