So here’s the thing: The French really have mastered the art of living. And they do it by vigorously defending a lifestyle that is 180 degree-opposite from ours.

No one knows how to enjoy a lazy Sunday afternoon quite like the French. (Sunday afternoons are pretty much always lazy, after the requisite morning market visit.) No one knows how to tie a scarf, wear red lipstick, or accessorize quite like the French. Call it a cliché — but I’ve seen it for myself too many times.

If you feel like you’re overwhelmed, overbooked, and under-romanced, consider The Art of Living Frenchfully, a free, 21-day course that’ll stuff your inbox (in one tidy, daily message) with specific instructions for how to bring a little more joie de vivre into your life, wherever you are. Each day, you’ll receive a specific instruction as well as little snippets of French culture — everything from songs to poetry to TV recommendations. I’ll show you how to experience the best of French culture wherever you are — and how to integrate a bit of the French lifestyle into your daily life.

– If you took French in high school and would like to build on that knowledge with French-language cultural tidbits, this course is for you.
– If you’ve spent time in France and want a new way to bring that lifestyle home with you, this course is for you.
– If you don’t even like France but want daily reminders on how to enjoy your day a little more fully, this course is for you.

All you need to do? Enter your email address here.